When you are feeling frustrated or stressed at work, doing a mini-meditation a few times a day can do wonders to your stress level. Furthermore, it can also increase your concentration and your energy levels. It doesn’t have to take long and it can be anywhere, any time of the day. So here is our step by step guide on how to boost your energy with meditation.

1. Pick a meditation spot. As we said, it could be anywhere. However, do choose somewhere that is away from noise and distraction. So choose a quiet space. It could be your bedroom, the park or even a bathroom stall at work.

2. Sit down or assume in a comfortable position. Just remember that your back needs to be straight. When your back is straight, it allows you to breathe easily.

3. Let every part of your body relax.

4. Close your eyes and take slow deep breaths. Most people don’t realize it but they are actually shallow breathers. Breathing deeply will allow you to use oxygen more efficiently.

5. Now try to clear your mind and try to silence it.

6. If you are having trouble clearing your mind, you can try focusing your mind on a soothing image or you could try repeating a mantra such as Om.

7. Now take in 8 details about the peaceful scene you have just created. If you were imagining a tropical island, imagine the color of the ocean and the sound of the ocean.

8. Now you can open your eyes and stretch out your arms and legs.

9. Look around your surrounding and take it all in.

10. Take a deep breath and you are ready to go back to work now.

So give our quick guide a try. You’ll be surprised that a little meditation will energize you throughout the whole day. If you are interested in learning more details about meditation, its benefits and receive an instructional guide on how to do it, you may purchase our detailed guide here: https://toshiana.info/meditationebook