I am often asked about different energy methods and practices as solutions for when people are in a state of transition, grieving a loss or needing to make a major decision. For obvious reasons, these vulnerable times tend to make us all seek solutions to get clarity. However, many are disappointed when I explain that energy work clarifies your inner sense of knowing more than anything external.

But do not be discouraged. It does not mean that there is no clarity to be gleaned. It just means that, in most cases, your signs and signals do not come in the form of a vivid roadside billboard, a message written in skywriting, singing telegram or bodacious email memo. While I have heard stories of and have had encounters myself with bold signs — it is mostly a calmer, quieter inner sense of knowing that presents instead. It’s like your inner voice says, “pay attention”, “that was for you” or “did you notice that?”

Well, this is why making clean eating, mindfulness, prayer and meditation habits are important. These are all things that provide clarity, though it can be subtle and slightly different for every person.

Why Clean Eating?
A diet rich in nutrients feeds each cell of the body and allows proper communication between cells. Proper water balance allows the cells to signal and regenerate properly. This keeps the body, which has an energy field, firing on all cylinders. When the body is deficient in nutrients, it turns up protective mechanisms and the aura can be weakened. Similarly, eating foods that are dense and require a great digestive load can create sluggishness and density in the energy body.

Why Mindfulness?
Mindfulness requires presence and multi-sensorial observation of life’s moments. When consumed by routine and habit, many become mindless (autopilot). Therefore, one would miss the things that are being presented to them. This requires practice and a commitment to being grounded in the body. The activation of multi-sensorial observation allows one to experience life from a richer lens and experience even simple things in a complex way.

The questions to ask for multi-sensorial observation are:

-What is something about the appearance (that can be seen)?
-How might this taste or inspire a flavor?
-What is the texture or temperature (related to a sense of touch)?
-What is the aroma or inspired scent?
-What sound resonates here?
-What thought does this trigger?
-What feelings does this trigger?

Why Prayer and Meditation?
Regardless of religion, prayer is an act of surrender to the larger cosmos, the Universe. Practicing good prayer habits consistently, allows us to submit to something greater and higher than ourselves. This is our opportunity to keep our ego in check, surrender our care and concerns for assistance and support. Prayer is the spirit of gratitude and humility in practice. For examples, in the chakra system, there is a chakra that is the place of ego and personal power. There is another chakra that is the place of intuition and insight. In people who have a consistent prayer life, their chakra for intuition tends to be large and open whereas those who do not have more dominance in the other chakra of ego.

Meditation is the practice of stillness and listening. Learning to calm yourself and get still is important for picking up the messages and answer often are seeking. The subtleties become more pronounced the better you can focus and block distractions.

Try today to incorporate these habits. Keep a journal to take note of things that arise for you. The answers are there if you surrender and let them unfold.