The key to creating and maintaining a harmonious environment is being intentional and consistent in your practice of these simple things.

SELF-AWARE SCHEDULING Most people swear by an early wake-up time, while others consistently pull all-nighters. What works for you – rising early? Midday breaks? Late night work sessions? The key is to establish a consistent routine around what works best for your peak productivity periods. Once you’ve assessed what works for you, pick two other key times: your daily wakeup time and your bedtime. Your circadian rhythm, or “body clock” is best managed by a consistent rising time and a consistent bedtime, as proper sleep cycles are imperative to keeping cortisol, the stress hormone, low and focus high. Schedule your day around these three key things.

CREATE A CREATIVE SPACE Many people skimp on the set up of their work area. However, your work station can either support or detract from your peace. Create a designated workspace that has the ergonomics to encourage proper body mechanics. Proper lighting and computer screen filters are key for eye health and to ease the fatigue of the eyes caused by screen glare. Invest in furniture that is comfortable and durable. Décor is also important as colors can influence mood and productivity. Yellows and oranges are colors that encourage creativity and emotion while muted blues and greens induce a sense of calm or serenity. Choose décor that creates a space you enjoy working in and it will bring out the best in you.

WELLNESS ENHANCING HABITS All work and no play can easily become a lifestyle too! Just as you schedule your day for important tasks and meetings, you should also incorporate daily habits and rituals that have been proven to enhance well-being and happiness. Incorporating habits such as exercise, meditation, journaling, affirmations or napping are tried and tested favorites to encourage optimal health and well-being. These are often the first things eliminated in the course of a day once you become busy. Instead, create a practice around how you add these activities in your life, and you will find it becomes a self-care ritual that you look forward to. For example, I have a cup of tea nightly as I journal. I look forward to it as a time of reflection. My body now starts the wind-down process automatically. These habits and rituals are crucial to allowing yourself to recalibrate and be at peace as they all require a level of intention and mindfulness. Challenge yourself to have a consistent practice to add enrichment to your life.

A FIRST AID KIT FOR PEACE Just like a first aid kit for scrapes and cuts, everyone should have a toolkit of items that encourage a sense of peace, harmony and well-being. Think of the things that engage the senses at your favorite spa. Things like diffused essential oils, candles or incense for aromatherapy, with multiple and varied therapeutic effects. Herbal Teas can be calming, while infused waters can add uplifting refreshment. The brain operates optimally when the body is hydrated. Music can be therapeutic as well – from guided meditations to classical pieces that help cognition. Soaking salts are good to soothe fatigue and aches while restoring a sense of balance and wholeness. Body oils and creams have healing and skin-nourishing benefits, in addition to the therapeutic power of touch in applying them. Determine which of these things you like and keep them on hand as a toolkit ready to support you daily.