The story of EnergyWorx:

A Journey to Myself

  My mother said that I was a very affectionate child, very emotional and “touchy-feely.” I was keenly aware of the emotions of people and would do what I could to hug and soothe their cares away. I am very much that girl, the hugger, the crier and the one who laughs with her entire being. Deep feeling and expression had led me to be a writer since the age of 9, winning many competitions and contests. After pursuing a more obvious and expected career path of journalism and communications, and feeling unfulfilled, I eventually found a career as an esthetician as a way to incorporate those senses of touch and intuition into my vocation. I felt fulfilled connecting to people more closely and being a change agent in them feeling better about themselves and how they showed up in the world.

I could never quite explain the deep and profound effect that touching people daily and connecting to their joys, hurts and concerns had on me. That is, until 2006, when I was dealing with a series of personal disappointments and failures, followed by the sudden, traumatic loss of a close friend. Through trying to find more purpose in my life while processing grief, I discovered what is classified as an alternative and complementary therapy, called energy work.

Energy work is becoming more known lately, but it is not a fad. Much like yoga and meditation, more people are becoming more accepting of its therapeutic benefits. Energy work is using the body’s frequencies to promote a sense of well-being for each person. It does have some indigenous influence, but is also grounded in physics – that we are all made up of energy and that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; only change its form. One method of energy work, for example, is acupuncture. However, there are several modalities that apply the same principle — all to promote feelings of being whole, well and grounded. The modalities that I have studied and become certified in are Chakra Balancing, Healing Touch and Reiki. All of these are known as “touch therapies” because they primarily
use the placement of hands to facilitate the movement of energy through the body to aid it in healing itself. They all operate on the premise that the practitioner helps support the recipient in healing themselves. Since learning energy work via touch therapies to reach a level of mastery, I was also intrigued to learn breathwork, crystal therapies and use of essential oils as supporting aids to living a more harmonious life. I call this part of my business EnergyWorx.

My journey to EnergyWorx is simultaneously my journey to myself. I gained an understanding of the divine design of each spirit, and an acceptance to one of my gifts in this world of touching and connecting to others in an deeply empathic and authentic way. My goal is to make energy work feel easily accessible to all so that each of you can integrate things that support a life that feels more whole, well and grounded – in harmony with your passions and dreams.

8 Ways EnergyWorx for You

  1. Touch- the energy of touch to influence well being
  2. Baths – the energy of water to influence well being
  3. Breathwork – breathing exercises to influence balanced energy flow through the body
  4. Yoga – movement, mantra and breathing to influence well being
  5. Mindfulness/meditation – breathing and thinking to manipulate energy of thought
  6. Affirmations – the energy of words to influence well being
  7. Essential Oils & Herbs – the energy of plants to influence well being
  8. Crystals – the energy of the earth’s minerals to influence well being